Recital Tights Order Form
WDC’s 30th annual Recital & Showcase dates are set! Specific dates/times for each class will be posted by February 1st.
Recitals for Preschool through adult classes:Tuesday, May 27th through Saturday, May 31st @ East Ridge High School in Woodbury
Dress rehearsals for Preschool through Adult classes: Monday, May 19th, Tuesday, May 20th; Wednesday, May 21st; and Thursday, May 22nd @ WDC WEST studio location
Tots classes: Our “Totally Tots Showcase” performances will be held the morning of Sunday, May 18th at our WDC WEST studio location. All of our tots classes will be performing on that date. Specific times for each class will be posted by February 1st.
To the parents of female dancers: The cost of tights is included in your costume payments. Please complete the online order form below by Saturday, December 14th. Size charts are available below.
*Dancers will receive “Light Toast” tights with their costume unless indicated below that you would like a darker shade – Toast or Coffee. Pictures are provided below.

Light Toast Color

Toast Color

Coffee Color